Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Grace loves to color (and eat the crayons). We have an
art desk just for her to sit at. She is still getting the hang of it.

Monday, September 25, 2006


What a day to spend at the park. The cooler weather is much welcomed and the leaves are just starting to turn colors. Grace loved chasing the ducks back into the water. Well that wasn't her plan for them to go into the water, and she thought she could just go right in with them. She notices all sorts of animals from the tiny ant crawling on the ground , to the birds flying high in the sky. She is very inquisitive, and loves to explore new things. She loves to ride on Daddy's shoulders and take off his hat. Everday is a grand adventure!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Can you beleive how much our Tinkie has grown-up?
She still loves her bathtime and sucking on the washcloth.

6 months................................. 14 months

Fun Days

How much fun we always have at the zoo. Gracie got a new wagon for this trip. Thanks Papa for pulling it.

Family Self Portrait

Uncle Kevin and Joshua waving at us from below.

Playing in a Puddle

The only pictures I got of our Dedication at Catalyst was of Grace playing the puddle in the parking lot. We have to thank Nana for taking us in the puddle after mommy said no. I guess that's what Grandparents are for.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

So Long

It has been a very long time since our last posting. Grace will be 14 months on Friday and is turning into such a little personality. She keeps us on our toes. Every day is a new adventure. We are enjoying the ride. I am going to try to find time more often to put a new post up about our adventures. Grace does so many new things everyday I really want to try to remember them all.